UX-PM Certification.

Sponsored by UXalliance, a global network of 28 leading UX companies, the UX-PM Certification helps professionals achieve business outcomes through a human-centred design approach. This international training program is offered in 19 countries and 12 languages.

Upcoming sessions

Dubai, UAE

AED 3,499

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4-6 Nov 2024

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In person

International certificate

Adopting UX.

Level 1

  • Invest in UX, build internal capacity and increase value for your customers and for your organisation
  • Learn the fundamentals of UX, build your skills, and turn knowledge into action
  • Put in practice a design framework based on Design Thinking
  • Pass the certification exam, build your UX toolkit, plan your next steps implementing some UX activities into your product or service development cycle.
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Training agenda.

Understand key UX concepts and methods, advocate for user-centred design within your organisation, and learn how to integrate UX design into your projects.

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Day 1

Module 1 - Design and Experience

  • Let’s Talk About Experiences
  • The Experience Economy
  • Experiences Are Shaped By Technology
  • User Experience (UX)
  • Customer Experience (CX)

Module 2 - HF & Psychology of Design

  • Human Factors (HF & Ergonomics)
  • Cognitive Limitations
  • How Human Factors Impact Design
  • Dimensions of UX
  • Emotional Design

Day 2

Module 3 - Human-Centered Design

  • HCD: ISO standard and Principles
  • Design Frameworks: How To Proceed With HCD
  • Adapted Double Diamond Framework
  • UX-PM Design Framework
  • UX Metrics

Module 4 - User Research

  • Importance of User Research
  • User Research Map
  • Generative Methods
  • Evaluative Methods
  • Guerrilla User Research

Day 3

Module 5 - User Research In Practice

  • Understand the challenge
  • Elaborate your research plan
  • Establish hypothesis (testable assumptions)
  • Conduct you research plan & share insights

Module 6 - The Value of UX

  • UX in Your Organisation
  • Agile Culture and UX
  • The Business Value of Design for the organisation
  • UX-PM Design Maturity Model